Bopell is a company in the tanning sector that was founded in 2005 with the second generation of the Montalbani family, the children Tiziana and Roberto followed by the third generation with Alberto and Andrea. The continuous search for innovative products in the sector has led to the choice to concentrate and specialize in vegetable tanning. A very ancient tanning practice that dates back to the nineteenth century. Our family is increasingly committed to protecting the environment and to the concept of "zero waste". Just recently we have implemented vegetable tanning then treated with food coloring to produce an ecological and super natural item. It all comes from the idea of circular economy. The intent is to enhance and recover all those skins that have been discarded from the industry due to a series of different problems which should have been their main use. Thus reinforcing the concept of "ZERO WASTE". Sustainability is always at the center of our work philosophy, and as a family we are committed to finding solutions every day as eco-friendly as possible.